ICRA2020 Pitch Video: Learning-based Path Planning for Exploration of Subterranean Environments Kostas Alexis 9:20 4 years ago 1 452 Далее Скачать
Learning-based Path Planning for Autonomous Exploration of Subterranean Environments Kostas Alexis 2:27 5 years ago 1 590 Далее Скачать
ICRA2020 Pitch Video: Motion Primitives-based Path Planning for Fast and Agile Exploration Kostas Alexis 8:52 4 years ago 3 999 Далее Скачать
Graph-based Path Planning for Autonomous Robotic Exploration in Subterranean Environments Kostas Alexis 0:59 5 years ago 8 406 Далее Скачать
Graph-based Path Planning for Autonomous Subterranean Exploration Kostas Alexis 2:04 5 years ago 12 946 Далее Скачать
Autonomous Teamed Exploration of Subterranean Environments using Legged and Aerial Robots Kostas Alexis 2:59 3 years ago 13 696 Далее Скачать
Motion Primitives-based Path Planning for Fast and Agile Exploration using Aerial Robots Kostas Alexis 2:04 5 years ago 35 429 Далее Скачать
Motion Primitives-based Path Planning for Path Planning for Agile Subterranean Exploration Kostas Alexis 3:26 4 years ago 670 Далее Скачать
Explore Locally, Plan Globally: Autonomous Robotic Exploration in Subterranean Environments Kostas Alexis 3:03 5 years ago 2 183 Далее Скачать
ICRA2022 Talk Autonomous Teamed Exploration of Subterranean Environments with Legged & Aerial Robots Kostas Alexis 4:00 2 years ago 1 033 Далее Скачать
Autonomous subterranean exploration with the RMF aerial robot inside the Hagerbach underground mine Kostas Alexis 1:52 3 years ago 3 422 Далее Скачать
Aerial Robotic Graph-based Exploration Path Planning inside an Underground Bunker Kostas Alexis 1:24 4 years ago 275 Далее Скачать
ICRA2020 Pitch Video: Agile Legged-Wheeled Reconfigurable Navigation Planner Dimitrios Kanoulas 9:58 4 years ago 303 Далее Скачать
Visual Exploration and Path Planning with Reinforcement learning Amir Nia 2:51 4 years ago 369 Далее Скачать
Aerial Robotic Graph-based Exploration Path Planning during the DARPA SubT Challenge Tunnel Circuit Kostas Alexis 1:42 4 years ago 20 023 Далее Скачать
Graph-based Exploration Path Planning in Room-and-Pillar Underground Mines Kostas Alexis 1:44 4 years ago 402 Далее Скачать
Advanced BIT* (ABIT*) - The Presentation - ICRA 2020 @ ORI Robotic ESP 9:29 4 years ago 1 436 Далее Скачать